Embrace a smart and innovative approach to personal investing with Options Experts’s ready-made diversified portfolios
Smart Portfolios are innovative, long-term investment portfolios curated by Options Experts analysts. Each portfolio features a unique investment strategy, offering a convenient and diversified way to access major market trends shaping our world today, all without incurring portfolio management fees.
Our investment experts have conducted thorough research, analysis, and allocation to create ready-made, balanced, and diversified portfolios designed for optimal long-term performance. Simply choose from over 65 Smart Portfolios, each covering a range of top market themes, trends, and industries.
A well-diversified portfolio is one of the most effective risk management strategies available. Although assets share a common theme, they can span various sub-sectors, regions, and asset classes.
Through in-depth research and analysis, we select companies and assets from around the world that are proven leaders and have strong potential for a buy-and-hold approach based on current data.
Options Experts Smart Portfolios are crafted using cutting-edge technology and advanced data, designed to adapt as market conditions evolve.
We aim to make these innovative products accessible to all levels of investors while providing an effective, diverse bundle of assets. That's why the initial investment starts at just $2000
Choose your Tech Smart Portfolio and start investing
How can you begin long-term investing with Options Experts Smart Portfolios?
1. Choose a theme you believe in.
2. Select the Smart Portfolio that aligns with your vision.
3. Start your long-term investment journey with as little as $3000
Options Experts Smart Portfolios are investment vehicles that bundle together a collection of financial assets based on a specific theme, each with its own unique strategy. The assets included are selected and updated according to the portfolio’s strategy.
Most portfolios are created and managed by the Options Experts Investment Team. Each portfolio is carefully constructed, considering factors such as balance, exposure, potential yield, and risk. Additionally, Partner Portfolios are created and managed by Options Experts partners, which include some of the most sophisticated financial companies and innovative fintech startups.
Options Experts Smart Portfolios employ a dynamic investment approach, combining elements of both active and passive strategies. While they are not updated daily, resembling a passive approach, they are regularly rebalanced and fine-tuned by the Options Experts investment team, similar to an active approach.
Portfolios are periodically rebalanced to maintain the asset allocation ratio according to the Smart Portfolio’s strategy. Rebalancing ensures that each portfolio remains aligned with its original asset allocation plan and is optimized for maximum results. Since asset performance can vary yearly, this realignment is necessary to sustain the portfolio’s overall growth.
Options Experts portfolios contain various financial assets, each allocated a specific proportion of the overall investment. A minimum investment of $2000 ensures there are sufficient funds to open all the necessary positions for the investment.